Sunday, October 10, 2010


1. Name the vegetable with three times as much vitamin C as an orange and twice as much iron as spinach.

2. Which of these food products has the highest percentage of vitamin C?: a) orange b) pear or c) banana

3. Which pair of states has farmers that grow almost half the produce in the entire country?: a) California and Arizona; b) Texas and Louisiana; or c) West Virginia and Kentucky?

4. What vegetable is never sold frozen, canned or cooked? It is only sold fresh.

5. What vegetable did Thomas Jefferson and others introduce into our nation?

6. Residents of what country lead the world in the eating of corn?

7. What vegetable's name means "the large pearl"?: a) cauliflower b) onion or c) mushroom

8. True or False: A cucumber is usually over 90 percent water, and its healing and cooling properties are good for the skin.

9. Which vegetables have been cultivated for more than 9,000 years?: a) Squash and pumpkins; b) corn and turnips; or c) parsnips and tomatoes

10. Name the first ready-made food sold commercially.

Answers in Comments -- don't peek!


  1. Answers:

    1. Peppers hold this honor.

    2. a) Oranges lead in vitamin C.

    3. a) California and Arizona are the top producers.

    4. Lettuce is only sold fresh.

    5. Thomas Jefferson was one of the first Americans to grow tomatoes, which were then known as "love apples."

    6. The leading countries for eating corn: Mexico, the United States and India.

    7. b) Onion means large pearl.

    8. True: Cucumbers are usually over 90 percent water.

    9. a) Squash and pumpkins hold this distinction.

    10. Dating back to 1893, Aunt Jemima pancake flour was the first ready-made food sold commercially.

  2. Is there a link to more of this set of photos? I am certain I have seen other shots on your other blogs of the same couple and I really want to see more. I have spent this evening looking for it because I can't forget it. Something about the girl's face - her smile - overly excites me. Seeing her lips hover over a hard cock sends me over the edge and in such a good way.
    If you require an email address to respond, I will be happy to comply.

  3. James ... I am not sure where I found it ... sorry

  4. You're a sweetheart for answering. Many thanks.
