Friday, January 7, 2011

Is there a good time to catch you on yahoo IM?Dorothy

No good time ... it' hit or miss sorry ...


  1. Nikki you are so taunting will i ever get a chance to wrap my lips around you?

  2. Anything I can do or say to make it most likely yes?

  3. Nikki J I'd wrap my lips wherever you would like them and hopefully be able to make you smile and maybe you would my grab my head and guide me to pleasure you further.

  4. Well Nikki it would be a first time for me, but there is something about your whole persona which seems to acme for me at your clitty! I would really like to see if I could receive your ultimate gift and your smile, maybe it's just a dream but you really fascinate me. I would love to know what it is like to be you, but since that is not possible this thought is the closest I could get. Want to give this virgin a lesson? I've been practicing with my toothbrush as you suggest.

  5. ? The better part of a banana! I'm just a real curious person who has only been vanilla, but I always loved to dress and explore the kind of life you seem to revel in I find your site very erotic and figured I should ask nothing ventured nothing gained, it has all been in the closet thus far.

  6. Nikki, you never answered the. Question that started all this verbiage . Come on "just give some kinda sign girl!" how bout trying it at anchor on a warm spring night after a nice bottle of wine?

  7. That's all I wanted to hear! Thanks so much for your consideration I guess it's tough to say yes or no to an online spirit. I understand just hoping you will show me the way. Thanks again,
    PS I can I get an email address?

  8. Thank you for understanding Dorothy. I don't know enough about you yet. Time will tell... and yes perhaps once day we will meet, in public, both of us dressed to the nines, then we'll see where in goes from there. It's always been my personal policy to meet someone from online at a public place, say a Starbucks for coffee -- then see where it goes. I have had some no shows and some walkaways and some truly good times.

    .... we're not there yet. My email is

    I do appreciate your understanding.
