Monday, December 13, 2010

Do You Have An Addiction?

Today's Word "votary"

votary \VOH-tuh-ree\ (noun) - 1. One who is devoted, given, or addicted to some particular pursuit, subject, study, or way of life. 2 : A devoted admirer. 3 : A devout adherent of a religion or cult. 4 : A dedicated believer or advocate.

"A priestess led a young man out onto the sunken floor, pulling him with a chain fixed to the manacles on his wrists; a second votary walked behind him, a sword at his back." -- Mark E. Rogers, 'Blood + Pearls'

Votary comes from Latin votum, "vow," from the past participle of vovere, "to vow, to devote." Related words include vow and vote, originally a vow, hence a prayer or ardent wish, hence an expression of preference, as for a candidate.


  1. Wow! Good word, Nikki. Guess I fit in some ways. I am addicted to men (being with them, well some of them) and I do love to please them (sexually). Thanks for sharing.

  2. an addiction to this blog

  3. An addiction to this blog and anything do to with feminine attire and feminine hygiene.

  4. I'm addicted to pantyhose! Ooh la la, I love the feel of them on my legs!

  5. with me its stockings and garters... I love to feel the stockings on my leg sna d the pull of the garter straps to make it a perfect fit!
