Monday, December 13, 2010

How have you worked on your gag reflex

Moisture, plus, gag control=Happy partner! Brush you tongue Bitch!

Seriously here's trick I learned.

Brush your tongue right where your gag begins. People you will gag. It will be nasty,not for long, but just think of the many compliments you will get! Spend about 10 seconds brushing that area (and gagging), and call it a night.

Repeat the process over the next few nights in the exact same spot. You'll notice you gag less each time you do it.
Increase the brushing area. Once you can touch your toothbrush on that spot without gagging, it's time to move the toothbrush further back. Try brushing increasing the brushing behind where your gag used to begin. This is your new starting point. Repeat the process as you did in the first spot.

Continue moving the brush further. Each time you move the toothbrush back, your gag has been desensitized in the previous spot. Keep moving it further and further back until you've reached the furthest visual point of your tongue.

Be persistent. This whole process should take approximately a month to complete. When it's all said and done, you should be able to take in more than 6 inches, and an object may reach the back of your throat without you gagging.

Once you have practiced, keep the lips, and throat moist. Now that you won't gag, your partner will immediately notice the change!
Remember, practice makes perfect. Don't do something you feel uncomfortable in doing. This is for those wanting to spice up their love life, and make sure they are pleasing to the fullest capacity.

Finally, After controlling your relfex, you can then move to technique. Usually a person can't become good at performance because she hasn't control the gag. The ability to evenly saturate your mouth without any saliva spilling over is what will glorify your partner


  1. Looks like I need to do some practicing!

  2. I'm learning! This weekend I was able to deepthroat my partner for the first time. I was so turned on and relaxed I felt his cock slide up to the opening in my throat, and when I didn't choke right away I just pushed it in further, and felt it pop into my throat. I was pleased with myself, and my partner was pleased as well.
