Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today's Word "languor"
Mental or physical weariness
languor \LANG-guhr; LANG-uhr\ (noun) - 1 : Mental or physical weariness or fatigue. 2 : Listless indolence, especially the indolence of one who is satiated by a life of luxury or pleasure. 3 : A heaviness or oppressive stillness of the air.

"She had been particularly unwell, however, suffering from headache to a degree, which made her aunt declare, that had the ball taken place, she did not think Jane could have attended it; and it was charity to impute some of her unbecoming indifference to the languor of ill-health." -- Jane Austen, "Emma"

Languor is from Latin languor, from languere, "to be faint or weak." The adjective form is languorous.

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