Saturday, March 17, 2012

The last #awkwardmoment you had?

coming face to face with the girl I went to the senior prom with ... my boobs are bigger!


  1. did she recognize you? or did you have to introduce yourself? (you likely win "most changed")

  2. Yes sorta ... it wasa group of people --- a mini high school reunion sos to speak -- at a local restaurant. I went up to her right after I arrived. I started talking and janie's face gave that puzzled expression. I smiled and simply said yes... Janie was quite taken aback. So we took a little walk together. We sat down on a bench outside the restaurant.

    As she said, all the questions she ahd about our relationship then fit together. Janie then touched my leg... as started to say ... I interrupted her ... yes its still with me and it's still fully functional ...

    Janie smiled once again ... and simply said ... great I always enjoyed getting you hard.... cane we have an encore?"

  3. Nice story, and nice acceptance....
