Friday, November 29, 2013


Julie Bitch joined the channel.
<NikkijMadison> hey sis

<Julie Bitch> Hey gurl, how are you? I dress as often as I can
<NikkijMadison> awesome
<NikkijMadison> so you may be owned soon
<NikkijMadison> real life or online
<Julie Bitch> online  hoping to maybe meet her and serve her someday
<NikkijMadison> she on CM
<Julie Bitch> what's it like being full time. I can only dream
<NikkijMadison> scary at first
<Julie Bitch> yes, JennaBitch
<NikkijMadison> better now
<NikkijMadison> much more comfortable now
<NikkijMadison> i like my situation
<Julie Bitch> If I had know how much there is out there, I might have made different choices years ago
<Julie Bitch> I guess we all have to make the best of our situations.
<Julie Bitch> do you have a full time gf or bf
<NikkijMadison> i serve as sextoy for two bi guys
<Julie Bitch> cool . I'm guessing you enjoy this
<NikkijMadison> oh yes
<NikkijMadison> i love sucking cock
<Julie Bitch> also cool! As much as I enjoy it, I prefer it on a gurl as opposed to a guy
<NikkijMadison> any size any time
<Julie Bitch> although when push comes to shove, it doesn't matter who it's attached too (giggle)
<NikkijMadison> i do love tgirl lezie too
<Julie Bitch> That's my fav
<NikkijMadison> never passed on one yet
<Julie Bitch> I wish I was able to do hormones and have my own boobs. Love yours (giggle)
<NikkijMadison> mine are implants
<NikkijMadison> can you dress freely
<Julie Bitch> still look good. I'd love to be licking them right now
<Julie Bitch> No, have a wife. Only when she's not around
<NikkijMadison> they are sensitive
<NikkijMadison> too bad
<NikkijMadison> so she doesn’t approve
<Julie Bitch> I'm being very gentle
<Julie Bitch> not really. let's me dress in stockings or panties in bed from time to time. I love makeup! Love the taste of LIPSTICK mmmmmmm
<Julie Bitch> I'd love to taste yours (giggle)
<NikkijMadison> oh i love to kiss

<Julie Bitch> I bet you look very sexy behind the bar
<NikkijMadison> actually i do
<Julie Bitch> I'd love to lean across and taste your lipstick
<NikkijMadison> wearing yoga or spandex mostly now. sweater or shirts that are long
<NikkijMadison> during summer mostly in shorts and low cut t's
<NikkijMadison> i tell my MEN that my pussy lips are just different
<Julie Bitch> i'm sure you look great in everything
<NikkijMadison> i like to show off my booty
<Julie Bitch> I'd say they are better actually. Best of both worlds!!!

<NikkijMadison> i consider my mouth my pussy
<Julie Bitch> nothing beats having boobs and a "stick clitty"
<NikkijMadison> yes she is 7" too
<NikkijMadison> my booty is my cunt
<Julie Bitch> and like you say you have your mouth and another entry as well. who needs a pussy?
<NikkijMadison> i do love GG pussy too
<NikkijMadison> i love to lick
<NikkijMadison> but i also love to fuck the wife of a cuck in front of him
<Julie Bitch> that sounds wonderful!!!!
<Julie Bitch> wish mine would let you do her
<Julie Bitch> I'd love to help
<NikkijMadison> so does your wife play at all with julie
<Julie Bitch> no not much. only on a few occasions
<Julie Bitch> I do have a couple of CD friends I get together with on occasion
<NikkijMadison> my ex loved nikkij
<NikkijMadison> blessed i know
<NikkijMadison> was always dressed when i was with her
<Julie Bitch> too bad she's your ex
<NikkijMadison> i still see her
<NikkijMadison> HER new husband likes bois
<Julie Bitch> did she encourage you or were you dressing before her
<NikkijMadison> when he travels we troll sometimes for men
<Julie Bitch> that's sounds like a fairy tale!!!
<NikkijMadison> i met HER serving a dinner party as the maid
<NikkijMadison> i was HER cuck for a long time
<Julie Bitch> wow, interesting
<Julie Bitch> how often to you see your current bfs
<NikkijMadison> SHE had many bfs and jennie as i was called then would keep them hard for HER. She didn't like to suck.
<NikkijMadison> i live with them
<Julie Bitch> cool how often do you guys play around
<NikkijMadison> daily
<NikkijMadison> i suck each one at least once a day
<Julie Bitch> very cool. sound like life being very good to you
adison> yes it is
<NikkijMadison> i am not a pain slut at all
<NikkijMadison> love sex
<NikkijMadison> love humiliation
<NikkijMadison> leashes, cages
<NikkijMadison> blinfolds
<NikkijMadison> cuffs
<Julie Bitch> is that your "clitty" locked up in the profile pics
<NikkijMadison> yes yes yes
<NikkijMadison> locked now too
<Julie Bitch> cool I want to be locked also
<NikkijMadison> are you dressed
<NikkijMadison> have you ever been
<Julie Bitch> only partially now
<Julie Bitch> yes, i have my own lock, but it's not the same as someone doing it to you
<Julie Bitch> dressed in stockings and a garter with a slip and breast inserts
<NikkijMadison> will wifely lock you
<NikkijMadison> yummy
<Julie Bitch> no, she doesn't like that
<NikkijMadison> still in night gown
<NikkijMadison> sheer nylon floor length
<Julie Bitch> what color
<NikkijMadison> black
<NikkijMadison> too bad
<Julie Bitch> black slip and garter for me. we're like sisters (giggle)

<NikkijMadison> key holder is most fun
<NikkijMadison> so true
<NikkijMadison> but you will get to cum this morning
<Julie Bitch> that would be wonderful (keyholder)
<Julie Bitch> yes, I will probably do so in a bit. will most likely lick it up afterwards (giggle) waste not want not
<Julie Bitch> maybe today I will do so to your pic (if that's ok with you)
<NikkijMadison> awesome
<NikkijMadison> which one
<Julie Bitch> i like your main pic and the one with your legs spread open
<NikkijMadison> me too
<Julie Bitch> are you the blonde in the pic with the 2 girls walking
<NikkijMadison> yes
<Julie Bitch> do you prefer blonde or the dark hair
<NikkijMadison> dark
<Julie Bitch> I like dark too. My Mistress is the one who wants the light wavy hair
<Julie Bitch> love your main pic is your hair dark or blonde in the legs spread open pic
<NikkijMadison> blonde
<Julie Bitch> hope this is not offensive, but you've kind of got an 80's joan jett thing going in the main pic. especially with the black leather pants mmmmmmmmm
<NikkijMadison> hmmmmmmmmmmm
<NikkijMadison> so you like
<Julie Bitch> yes, very much
<Julie Bitch> make me want to drive to OC to get a drink (giggle)

<Julie Bitch> excuse me annapolis
<Julie Bitch> what bar do you work at
<NikkijMadison> in OC now
<NikkijMadison> a few
<NikkijMadison> will tell you more should we get together
<Julie Bitch> I'd still make the drive. mmmmmmmmm
<Julie Bitch> I would like that. Maybe after the holidays? Kind of busy right now
<NikkijMadison> we will work something out
<Julie Bitch> we should stay in touch. would you mind if your bfs played too?
<NikkijMadison> need to get to know you better
<Julie Bitch> agreed
<NikkijMadison> their choice
<NikkijMadison> they like the tgirls i bring home
<Julie Bitch> I'd prefer just you but I'm flexible
<Julie Bitch> I'm also on flickr there
<Julie Bitch> maybe we can exchage e-mails to help get acquainted?
<NikkijMadison> sure
<NikkijMadison> if you spend the weekend they will play
<NikkijMadison> may even hold your key
<NikkijMadison> do you go out as julie
<Julie Bitch> yes, on occasion. my fav place here is Freddie's in Crystal City
<Julie Bitch> I've also had to go "out" on errands for Mistress Jenna

<NikkijMadison> cool
<NikkijMadison> so you are comfortable being julie
<Julie Bitch> scary at first, but now more exciting than humiliating
<NikkijMadison> so we could go out gfs
<Julie Bitch> I assume you meant julie the whore? working on it. still prefer t-girls to guys
<Julie Bitch> yes we could do gfs
<Julie Bitch> I do that sometimes here with my friend Linda
<NikkijMadison> a gg or tgirl
<Julie Bitch> she's not into picking up anyoone though she's a tg
<NikkijMadison> ever do a GG as julie
<NikkijMadison> post?
<Julie Bitch> no, but that would be interesting
<Julie Bitch> i'm sorry, what does post mean?
<NikkijMadison> post op your gf linda
<Julie Bitch> no, just a regular CD
<NikkijMadison> have a few MILFs i run with here
<Julie Bitch> cool
<NikkijMadison> linda is not passable
<NikkijMadison> or just st8
<Julie Bitch> I think shes passable. she's also on CM
<NikkijMadison> as...
<NikkijMadison> cool
<NikkijMadison> so how often do you get out as julie
<Julie Bitch> i have some great shots of our last time out. they are not posted though. I would have to check with her before I'd do that
<Julie Bitch> not often enough. when I can though
<Julie Bitch> I have alot of free "daytime" not as much at night
<NikkijMadison> what's the longest you been dressed
<NikkijMadison> work from home?
<Julie Bitch> no, I work weird hours. I work weekend a lot which affords me a day off during the week.
<Julie Bitch> I also travel for work sometimes
<NikkijMadison> cool
<NikkijMadison> what type of work
<Julie Bitch> I also sometimes go "camping" sometimes it's real and sometimes just a day or so get away
<Julie Bitch> for the government
<NikkijMadison> cool

<NikkijMadison> always go enfemme
<NikkijMadison> so a three day weekend at the beach works
<NikkijMadison> enfemme the entire time
<Julie Bitch> most of the time. Maybe not 24, but 22?
<Julie Bitch> I might be able to swing that
<Julie Bitch> the 3 day weekend I mean
<NikkijMadison> cool
<NikkijMadison> it means that you arrive enfemme and leave enfemme
<Julie Bitch> I might not be able to "arrive" it would depend. I can always try.
<Julie Bitch> I could always find a place along the way to "dress"
<NikkijMadison> you will work it out
<Julie Bitch> Or maybe stay at a hotel there on points
<Julie Bitch> with proper planning, almost anythiing is possible
<NikkijMadison> dont you want to drive here enfemme
<NikkijMadison> stop for a pee use the ladies room
<Julie Bitch> i could
<Julie Bitch> that would be fun (giggle)
<NikkijMadison> i would meet you at the starbucks on 50 just before you got to oc
<Julie Bitch> understand. how much free time to you have on weekends
<NikkijMadison> during the winter more than summer
<NikkijMadison> if i have to work you can come it at the bar or Ralph or Tommy could use you

<Julie Bitch> mmmmmm interesting
<Julie Bitch> who would i sleep with (giggle)
<NikkijMadison> we have four bedrooms
<NikkijMadison> mine and the guys
<NikkijMadison> mine is mostly
<NikkijMadison> my closet
<NikkijMadison> small bed
<NikkijMadison> one room is guest room or play room
<NikkijMadison> the other is the bdsm play room
<NikkijMadison> anyone can take company to the guest room
<Julie Bitch> ok, what's in the play room?
<NikkijMadison> i sleep in my bed sometimes, in their bed, at the foot of their bed
<NikkijMadison> in the cage in the play room
<NikkijMadison> or in the guest room
<Julie Bitch> maybe I could sleep in the cage
<NikkijMadison> toys and things
<NikkijMadison> you might
<Julie Bitch> mmmmmmmm lovely
<Julie Bitch> do you like bondage?
<NikkijMadison> leashes, cuffs, blindfolds are my thing
<Julie Bitch> i would love to be tied up. Or maybe even tied up to you by your bfs (giggle)
<NikkijMadison> spread eagle you on the play room bed
<Julie Bitch> mmmmmm then what?
<NikkijMadison> knowing Ralph leave you blindfolded for awhile
<NikkijMadison> let you think
<Julie Bitch> thinking I want your "clitty" in my mouth mmmmmmm

<Julie Bitch> Ralph could "use" my "pussy" at the same time
<NikkijMadison> everyone would
<NikkijMadison> we might have guests
<NikkijMadison> lol
<Julie Bitch> i'd really be a whore then (giggle)
<NikkijMadison> yeppers
<NikkijMadison> you want that
<Julie Bitch> not sure if I do, but I know Mistress does
<Julie Bitch> I'm going to need to run soon darling, please e-mail me sometime. I would love to further this discussion

<NikkijMadison> nikkij.madison on yahoo

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