Thursday, December 16, 2010

Shower Me with Gifts ... Please!

Survey shows mistresses get better gifts
NEW YORK (UPI) -- American men spend twice as much on their mistresses during the holidays as they do on their wives, a survey reveals.

And the survey by an outfit purporting to be an "infidelity service,", says the No. 1 gift cheaters are buying this year for that little something on the side is jewelry. Lingerie and time at a day spa also are high on the list.

But that's not to say men are exactly lavishing their mistresses with bling -- the survey indicates the average is just $125, the New York Daily News reported Monday.

The wives can expect perfume, bath and body products, and gift cards under the Christmas tree, the newspaper said., which says it has been keeping an eye on this aspect of holiday gift-buying for five years, says it got 143,717 responses this year, up from 28,994 in 2006.

And with the United States going through some tough economic times, the survey found men are showing financial restraint -- spending 22 percent less on their wives compared with 2006, while putting a freeze on their extramarital spending.
Copyright 2010 by United Press International

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