Friday, January 7, 2011

Do you think you still would have transitioned to live as a girl if you were born with a body that wasn't ever going to be passable (like 6'6" with broad shoulders and very manly features)?

It can be done but unfortunately not as easily ... my transition is not driven by be born in the "wrong" body ... it's a personal manner that you have to explore... and i am not an expert to give that advice ...

I personally like the way I look and feel inside when I am dressed en femme ... I always have since my teen years. It was justa manner of taking it to the next lvel, then the next level , and so on.

I love sex ... and havea very high drive to be sexual and to service others. I love my clitty and ...


  1. Nikki,
    I was going down that path but stopped going to the next level. Now, I regret it. I, too, was fortunate to have the pleasure of being able to pass becuas eof my natural physique and look. As I reflect, if I had found someone who had either encouraged continued feminization or took me to complete "sexual bliss" en femme, I might have
    continued my feminine evolution. Now, while I am still a young forty something and can pass for a mid-thrity something,I think I might have missed my feminine prime. Or as Michael Scott says - "that's what she said."


    BTW - Love the blogs. I mean, I love the blogs!!!

  2. Thank you for your comments Blair .. and thank you for responding.

    Do you still dress or have you movd on?

  3. I had moved on but now I am seriously thinking about getting back into "femme" shape for a comeback! ))) I am trying to decide exactly what kind of girl I want to be. I know the power dressing has in continuing to push and pull one deeper in. Anyone has knows how you continue to want to push the envelope and go to the "next level" which resonated with me so much. There is a big part of me that just wants to go for the whole enchilada (has it ever been called that before? Ha!)and then there is the part of me that believes a large part of the attraction is the choice to go back and forth - resulting in a weekend girl! Either way, I am determined to enjoy what is a natural part of me, once again.
    Thx for asking. You are a great hostess, and probably many other things!!! )))

    Wet kisses,

  4. I can really empathize with you Blair. I'm at a point now where I am really beginning to dive deep into my feminine side. I have found a few other people in my life I am able to open up to about it, and who accept and support me as a crossdresser, but I am scared of who others close to me would react (friends, family). If I take the next step I can't really hide it from anyone anymore.

    But I like you, love the way I look and feel in my feminine persona. I am fairly passable, and I know if I went full time I would be a very pretty girl. When I first started dressing it was something I did in private, and never considered going full time. But now, I have so much fun as a girl, and love the way it makes me look and feel, that I just feel like my male life is boring.

    Still, I am going to take my time, and continue to explore. Going further by taking hormones, getting hair removal, or implants are all major decisions. I'm not ready to make that commitment.... yet. Who knows what I will learn about myself in the new year. I turn 30 in May, so I think I still have some good years left in my to look pretty.

  5. I was about your age Isabella when I went from dressing and living as a girl all weekend to quitting cold turkey. I was shaving my legs, subtly plucking my eyebrows, growing my nails and hair, and spending more money on clothes and accessories for my femme persona than for my masculine. I built up quite an enormous warbrobe, made friends, and all I thought about was what I could do next to live the feminine dream. I decided for professional reasons and personal (family) to go back in the closet and quit dressing for the last ten years - though the thought was constantly with me. If I had continued, perhaps I would have the breasts, boyfirend (or husband), and the complete feminine lifestyle I wish for today. Well, perhaps, better late than never. Enjoy your youth, Isabella, and more importantly, fully enjoy who you are. Us girls are special creatures!!!


  6. Blair and Isabella -- some great thoughts and comments ...

    Hole Tonguer -- obviously you are doing what you do best!
