Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hi Nikki, what kind of preparation do you suggest for anal?

Arousal is an important part of preparing for anal play.

Preparing for External Anal Play
The external anal sphincter is one of the most sensitive places on the human body. You can enjoy huge amounts of anal pleasure without any penetration.
The minimum preparation for enjoying external anal play is a regular bowel movement followed by complete external cleansing. Washing the external anal area with warm soap and water is often enough to allow you to feel at ease.
Some people like to shave, wax or otherwise remove hair around their anus. This is completely a personal preference. If you do have hair in the area, be sure to use plenty of lubricant during anal play to allow for smooth glides without pulling the hair in this sensitive area.

Do not touch the anus and genitals with the same hand.
The anus and the genitals are two distinct ecosystems and you do not want to spread bacteria from the anus to the genitals. Keep one hand reserved for anal touch, the other clean for genital touch. Our video guides demonstrate simultaneous genital and anal stimulation using two hands - this is one of the most pleasurable ways to stimulate the entire sexual system at once.
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Preparing for Internal Anal Play

One of the most common concerns about internal anal stimulation is poop. Feces, stool - whatever you want to call it - poop is not what most people want to encounter during sex. Thankfully, it is much worse in your imagination than in reality. Poop is not stored in the rectum, the area you will be touching with even deep internal touch. Poop passes through the rectum only when you are actively having a bowel movement. If you have had a bowel movement recently, there is not large amounts of feces in the rectum - you may find trace amounts, but that is it. Most people can enjoy anal play for a lifetime without ever having a major gross-out. The pleasure most people get out of anal play (especially when done with skill, confidence and patience) more than makes up the slight discomfort you'll feel if you touch a trace amount of your lover's poop.

Of course, you can also completely minimize the chances of touching poop. The person receiving anal touch can rinse out internally, creating assurance that the rectum is clean. Or, the giver of anal touch can wear gloves. 

An Internal Rinse : Enemas and Anal Hygiene

If you would like to rinse internally, you have a few easy options. If you are trying an internal rinse, do so at least fifteen minutes before you engage in anal play.
A disposable bulb enema is quick and easy. Fill the bulb with plain warm water, gently insert the nozzle into your anus and squeeze the bulb, immediately allowing the water to rinse out. Repeat several times, or until the water runs clear. Never use hot or cold water- aim for wrist-temperature warm. Make sure you release all water - linger for a few minutes and completely relax to make sure everything is out of your system.  Never use a vinegar solution, soap or anything other than plain water.

Larger enema bags are not required for anal hygiene, and may cause discomfort. If you are interested in receiving a full colonic enema, it is recommended that you see a professional or do additional research before trying it at home. If you ever feel cramps or discomfort, stop your enema immediately and allow the water to pass.

Lubricant: An Essential Tool for Anal Play

Another essential tool for pleasurable prostate massage is lubricant. Water-based lubricants are now readily found in every major drugstore and even many supermarkets. Silicone-based lubricants are a great choice for anal play, as they will stay slick and not dry out like water based lubricants. See our complete guide to choosing a lube for complete information.

Use plenty of lube, reapplying when needed. External and internal anal massage can be highly arousing, without a moment of discomfort. If you experience any pain at any point in the massage, slow down or stop. There is no need to endure anything.

Preparing for anal play can make this intimate exchange more pleasurable and allow you to relax deeper into the experience. Thorough cleansing prior to the sexual encounter will take your worries away, and proper hygiene including gloves and lubricant will make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your partner.

Gloves for Anal Hygiene and Quick Clean Up

Wearing a latex, vinyl or nitrile glove is a simple way to keep everything clean and easy to clean up. Vinyl or nitrile glove are great for anal stimulation. They feel smooth and soft on sensitive skin, and when you are finished the gloves can be stripped and disposed of easily.

Make sure you take the time to find gloves to fit the person giving the massage- the touch will feel much better when the gloves fit taut against the skin. Latex is a developed allergy, degrades over time and can cause uncomfortable reactions in the sensitive tissues of the anus. Vinyl and nitrile are only a few pennies more per glove, and offer better protection.


  1. Such a good article. I know whenever I'm expecting to receive anal I really like to know I am clean. That way I won't have that little worry in the back of my head that I might make a mess. Being clean really does help me enjoy it more, as well as my partners too. And I really do love to receive anal. It used to hurt a little, but after training myself with my plug it feels so good now.

  2. I'd like to sign up for your training class also pleat Miss Madison

  3. I've been training for sometime now - plugs, vibrators, beads - even have an anal douche (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000VL20HY/ref=oss_product) for rinsing. I'm hoping I'll be able to persuade my lover to eventually buckle up a strap-on and give me my first test!
