Sunday, August 22, 2010

Today's Word "parse"

Parse \PAHRS\ (transitive verb) - 1 : To resolve (as a sentence) into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part. 2 : To describe grammatically by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical relationships in a sentence. 3 : To examine closely or analyze critically, especially by breaking up into components. 4 : To make sense of; to comprehend. 5 : (Computer Science) To analyze or separate (input, for example) into more easily processed components.

(intransitive verb) - To admit of being parsed.

"The American Constitution, for example, says that 'Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.'... once we parse notions like 'abridging' and 'the freedom of speech,' perhaps we will decide cases on the basis of an inquiry into two, three, or more relevant considerations." -- Cass R. Sunstein, 'Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict'

Parse comes from the Latin pars (orationis) , "part (of speech)."

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