Monday, January 3, 2011

Would you meet your significant other dressed only in heels at the door for a special occasion

Yes and have ... but normally in high heels and stockings and garters with ring on my clit!


  1. I finally got the courage to dress for the love of my life some years ago. Halloween. Sounds so cliche'. She and i had been dating for 3 years. We had an awesome time of it. I thought "wow this is it I'm going to marry her and share my deepest thoughts and desires".

    It ended up her just thinking it was a one time thing and I shouldn't be doing it anymore.

    I was crushed. the relationship faded and now I'm alone again. Except for the payh to play girls that think it's cool as long as I open my purse for them.

    I don't think I could ever put myhself out there like that again.
