Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If You Are Looking For A Tgirl ... Check For The Bulge!

If looking for signs of life: Check eyes
HANOVER, N.H. (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say it is the eyes people check when determining a face is a live human rather than a doll.

Thalia Wheatley of Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., and graduate student Christine Looser say humans can see faces in anything -- the moon, a piece of toast, two dots and a line for a nose -- but are much more discriminating when it comes to deciding what is or is not alive.

The study, published in Psychological Science, finds faces need to be quite human to appear alive and the main cues are the eyes.

"There's something fundamentally important about seeing a face and knowing that the lights are on and someone is home," Wheatley says in a statement. "I think we all seek connections with others. When we recognize life in a face, we think, 'This is a mind I can connect with.'"

Wheatley and Looser paired doll faces with similar-looking human faces and used morphing software to blend the two. The continuum of intermediate pictures -- part human, part doll -- were looked at by volunteers who were asked to determine which pictures were human and which were dolls.
Copyright 2010 by United Press International


  1. What brand and style panty do you use to keep you bulge concealed?

  2. I wear all kinds... I love thongs but I do prefer bikinis with a full back...
