Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What are you wearing now?

Black tights and knee high boots with 3" heels ... black thong ... still putting on bra and top .. what should i wear?


  1. Dear Nicole, Iam wearing Carol's panties ready to blow her boyfriend David for her !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Dear Nicole, First "Happy New Year" and thank You Nicole for everything You DO! You Have brought NEW life to Me & My wife Carol, No words could ever "THANK" "YOU" , I wish I could HUG You right NOW!!!!!! The Greatest Pleasure in Life is, Doing what people say You cannot DO!!! Thank You! Sissy Jackie... P.S. Yes I'am Blowing My Wife's Boyfriend David tonight and have lost count, I should mark the calender to a record of my SUBMISSION !!!!!!!!!!! Thank You SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
