Friday, October 1, 2010

Do you serve your owners as a maid? Can you describe your typical day?

Yes I do domestic chores. A typical day has consisted of servicing Quinn in the morning. During the summer Alexa and I would go shopping; have a little lunch some days; even lounge by the pool. We almost always serviced each other.

Other days we would be available to service customers, clients and friends of Quinn's ... mostly male but some females. In these situations I was almost always on a leash.

Some days i would work .. bartend .. at one of his places.

Other days, Quinn always enjoyed keeping me in my place so to speak. Caged or cuffed or my clitty would find itself in my cb6000. He's especially fond of doggie. I must say my clitty showed that i loved my doggie days.

Evenings normally consisted of evenings out ... clubs, Quinn's restaurants and bars he owns. Quinn loves being the center of attention. Weekends were usually parties at Quinn's. My role was to be of service and service.

I had to be always be available to be the f*cktoy. Trust me there is no such thing as too much sex!

Ask me anything ... nothing is off limits!