Often people come into an emergency room because they can’t find their contact lens. Sometimes we find it folded and tucked beneath the eyelid. But there are other times when it is nowhere to be found. So where is it? Probably at home, on the floor or in the bathroom sink. Anatomically speaking there is nowhere else for it to go.
People also come to the ER for help in locating a number of other misplaced items, including tampons, condoms and car keys.
NikkiJ has lost her contacts lens before. I have never lost one in a tampon, but once I lost one in the large box of condoms on my nightstand. I have lost one in my bed before … and for that matter in a lover‘s bed as well. Once I found one in my panties. I have no idea how it got there. On another occasion I thought I lost it at the gym but that was really the sweat beads puddling on the floor as Jason was hammering me doggie style late one night.
So where have you misplaced your contact lens?
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